

Heyo! I’m a UC Berkeley grad who also happened to grow up in the bay area. I doubled in EECS and Business and spent a lot of my time in college trying to build a startup of my own in the wearable electronics space (peep the website) – ask me anything about swimming and earbuds and motion sensors and why it’s so hard to make things waterproof. After making every mistake you could possible make I spent ~1.5 years at Stripe building their new consumer wallet Link and made my way to Fay when I started getting that startup itch again.

I’m currently living in NYC and spend my free time playing basketball, meeting up with friends, and making my way around all the trendy restaurants and cocktail bars in the city.

My favorite meals

What I’ve been learning and reading about lately

Get to know me a little better

I used to swim competitively and had some fun doing photoshoots while building waterproof earbuds for my (failed) startup



Still working on my skiing


Some highlights from my trip to Costa Rica