

Hihi Kat here :) I was born and raised in California before moving to Shanghai for 8 years. I went to Duke University where I studied Statistical Science and Chemistry and worked at 2 early stage startups. For the past ~2 years, I’ve been at Bain Atlanta, but I always knew I wanted to return to the healthcare space. I am beyond excited to be at Fay and helping people find the care and support they need!

In my free time, I’m either taking my friends to workout classes (most come with me willingly), organizing group dinners to try new restaurants, or going on long walks on the BeltLine to cafes / thrift stores / Trader Joe’s. I also have been designated as a personal shopper for some of my friends, so if you are ever in need of new clothes, I can be your go-to 🤠

My favorite meals

What I’ve been learning and reading about lately

Get to know me a little better

A rooftop spin & workout event I helped plan when I worked for a spin studio! Not pictured: all of us freezing because it was winter in Shanghai.



Saw the total eclipse this year in Dallas - such a surreal experience 🌑



Can you guess which one I made?



My family and dog still live in Shanghai, so I try to make the long trip out there as much as I can!

