

Hey!! I am originally from Vancouver, Canada, but I also lived in Dallas for a few years, and now I am in Seattle, back to my PNW roots. I went to the University of Washington, where I got my degree in Biology, with intentions of going into dentistry but quickly pivoted after realizing it was truly back-breaking work looking into mouths all day (among other reasons). After school, I landed at a pharmaceutical company as a pharma rep. I then transitioned into the startup world with a small team in the construction marketplace sphere before joining Fay.

When I’m not working, I spend 99.999% of my time outside with my dog Maizy. I love taking her on hikes and to the beach, she is a major water dog and helps make walks in the Seattle rain more enjoyable, as she will purposely walk through all the puddles. Recently, I have been getting into trail runs with Maizy and snowshoeing with her in the winter so she can experience the mountains since, unfortunately, I have not taught her how to snowboard with me. yet...

My favorite meals

What I’ve been learning and reading about lately

Get to know me a little better

My pride and joy Maizy

My pride and joy Maizy


I might be biased because I'm Canadian and this is where I learned to ski, but in my eyes Whistler is unmatched

I might be biased because I'm Canadian and this is where I learned to ski, but in my eyes Whistler is unmatched

When it isn't snowboard season, wakeboarding is a close 2nd

When it isn't snowboard season, wakeboarding is a close 2nd

My Family!!

My Family!!