

Hey! I’m Sabrina and I was born and raised in NYC, in the heart of Manhattan’s Chinatown. I went to Harvard College where I studied East Asian Studies and Economics and spent summers working and living in Seoul, Tokyo, and Berlin (fun fact: I speak five languages!).

At Harvard, I discovered that I learned the most and had the most fun when building companies, so after college, I returned to NYC where I spent 2.5 years building Oliver Space, a furniture rental startup. I joined as the 15th employee and managed all things delivery ops as we scaled across the US. I recently took a year off to fulfill a lifelong dream of traveling the world! My one year stint featured solo travels across 25 countries in 3 continents - it was the adventure of a lifetime and I document some of it in my substack: https://sabsgap.substack.com/p/welcome-to-sabs-gap.

I’m now back in NYC full-time but often try to find reasons to snowbird out of the city, whether to ski or get time in nature. When I’m here, I can usually be found exploring the NYC culinary scene, doing yoga, trying new coffee shops, catching the sunset ferry, or searching on Google flights for my next adventure.

My favorite meals

What I’ve been learning about lately

Get to know me a little better

Some of my favorite moments from my year of travel :)

